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Do you want copy that'll bring you more leads, customers, and sales - even in today's marketing environment?

Well then you’ve come to the right place.


I'm your one-man copywriting service for copy that SELLS.


High-converting email campaigns, sales pages, funnels, direct mail, you name it!

Whether you're a marketing manager, entrepreneur, coach, or consultant...

If your goal is to make sales - I'm the copywriter you need!

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My name's Carter and I'm an expert direct-response copywriter.

With me, you’ll get copy that people connect with and actually want to buy from.

Here Are a Few Of The Incredible Companies I've Worked With Lately

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I've put hundreds of thousands of dollars in business owners pockets - and I can't wait to help you do the same!



Or keep reading to learn how I can help you blow up your business with conversion-optimized copy!

Great Copy Holds The Key To More Customers, Sales And CASH!

If you’re looking for a sales copywriter, you probably have something to sell and you need help… selling it!


You know people would benefit massively from your business - you just need to let them know how.


And if you can do that through a sales page that sells someone on the spot…

Or email campaigns that turn prospects into lifelong customers.


You’ll get more customers, more sales, and make more money.


Because great copy is like having an expert salesman in front of your customers 24/7.


Now, obviously not just any average-joe can write you high-converting copy.


See if you...

Want copy that sells like crazy? You need a copywriter who knows how to sell

And that’s where I come in!


I've developed a sales-focussed approach that works in any industry and for any product.

I intentionally am not "niche'd down" because my approach works for literally anything.


I've generated buckets of cash in industries from e-commerce, to coaching, to SAAS, to information products.

And my techniques work for funnels, direct mail, sales pages, emails, product pages and more.

No matter who you are, or what you're selling...

My copy will give you mountains of customers starving for your product/service - ready to pay anything to get their hands on it.


And here's the secret:

My copy works because it's based on time-tested selling principles

Let me explain.


Before I was consistently beating controls with my hard-hitting copy…


I was banging my head against the wall trying to get conversions.

Problem was, like most copywriters today...


I didn’t understand what really makes people buy.

So instead of trying to reinvent the wheel...

I studied all of the greatest ads, sales letters, and direct-response copywriters in the last 100 years…


And dove deep into why people couldn’t help but throw their cash at these companies.


I took all of their selling secrets, and modernized them for the digital age of funnels, sales pages and email.


And the results were nothing short of incredible.

Since developing my now-proven approach...

My copy consistently...​

  • Takes Brands To Multiple 6-Figures

  • Beats Controls by 300%

    • Like the time I increased the Earnings Per Click on a Sales Page from $1.56 to $8+​ with one rewrite

  • Cuts Google & Facebook Ad CPA's In Half

  • Turns Negative ROAS' Positive
    And so much mor

And it’s not magic


I just learned how to consistently give people what they want.


See most copywriters will drown your customers in boring pain points, get the messaging wrong, or write copy so sleazy it sends people running.

My approach does the complete opposite.


I get into the mind of your customer and craft on-brand messaging they'll resonate with.

Copy that hits their deepest underlying desires and feels so helpful that they simply can’t put it down.

Then, when I present them with the solution to their problems on a golden platter…


With an offer they absolutely can’t resist…


They more than willingly pull out their credit card for you!


It’s incredibly effective and feels like a friend helping a friend... not a company trying to sell you something.

Now, I'm Promising You The World Here - So Let A Few Of My Clients Back Up My Claims

"This dude is the real deal!"

- Shawn, Onjin

"Educated, skilled and everything you can ask for"

- Arsalan, United Auto Sales

"This man right here is worth every penny and I will hire him again within a few weeks for more projects. He is thorough, diligent, hard working, educated, skilled and is everything you can ask for. He deserves 10 stars from me."

- Arsalan from United Auto Sales, Alaska's #1 Car Dealership

"Carter is amazing! If you are looking for someone who is proactive and knows precisely what he is doing, he is the person. He is efficient, articulate and ensures that he delivers on time with the highest quality. Highly recommend him."

- Hemal from Teorra, Rapidly Growing Sustainable Goods Marketplace

"Carter was the only [copywriter] that really stood out to me and after learning more about his ideas, moving forward was a no brainer. He's a genius wordsmith and even with my somewhat unique request, he did a great job. Cannot recommend enough."

- Ajay from Only Outreach, Leading SEO Agency

With my copy you'll create an army of customers and a tidal wave of sales

People will literally wave their money in your face for whatever you sell because they’ll feel like you're helping them - not exploiting them.

It feels great to know you're providing people with something they actually want.

And it's the easiest way to become the business they won't shut up about at dinner and aren't afraid to blast all over social media.


With my copy, your marketing will reel in sales consistently, build a stronger customer base, and make you more money.


And all you have to do to get started is claim your complimentary 15-minute consultation today! ($75 VALUE!)

Just A Few More Ways I'll Boost Your Business

By working with me you'll get:

  • Copy that communicates exactly what you’re selling and why it’s so important

  • Copy that people actually want to read

  • Marketing that attracts the right people to it

  • Marketing materials that produce consistent and reliable results

  • Improved connection to your customers as they’ll have a better understanding of your voice

  • Better results from a better approach to copywriting

  • More sales, customers, and money in your pocket

My Super Limited VERY Exclusive January Offer!

Copywriting consultations usually cost $300/hr OR MORE!

But since you’ve read this far - I’m happy to offer you a complimentary 15-minute consultation.


Now you might be thinking “It’s FREE? If you’re so good, you wouldn’t dare offer a free consultation”

And you’re kind of right… usually.

Here’s the thing, I just finished a huge project for a client so I've made this page live again and...


I only have one availability in my schedule and I’m looking to fill it FAST

If we’re the right fit for each other, then chatting for 15 minutes will be well worth it - even if it costs me up front.


Click below and schedule a call with me so I can you how my copy will help you create a tsunami of customers.


Again, I’m filling this spot FAST, so check my availability right now.

If there are no spots available, then I’ve filled the spot and this page hasn’t yet updated. I sincerely apologize if that happens.


BUT if there are dates available, BOOK RIGHT AWAY! 


Once I’ve filled my work schedule my consultation calendar will close.


Now in case you’re worried about committing to a call, just know this…

Your complimentary consultation is 100% no-obligation

You don’t have to sign your name on any dotted line, and you definitely don’t have to pay any deposits or hidden fees.


This is just a 15-minute chat for us to get to know each other and decide if we’re a good match.


If you change your mind after the call and don’t want to work together, no worries. 


At the very least you’ll be confident that you explored all your options!


So if you want copy that SELLS - book a call with me now!

Here's what happens next...

  1. We’ll jump on a complimentary call together and go over your business, what you’re looking for from a copywriter and how I can help you accomplish your goals

  2. If it’s a match, I’ll schedule you in and we’ll start putting together a formal plan/timeline for your project

  3. When we’re all done, you’ll have a kick-ass piece of copywriting material that is ready to pull in and convert piles of new customers

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